FAQs: Upgrades, Retrofits, and Repairs
How can I find out what’s available to enhance/upgrade my existing equipment’s performance/reliability/efficiency?
It will greatly depend on the type of existing equipment. Contact Inductotherm through the website or via phone and one of our technical sales staff will get in touch with you.
Isn’t EMSCO the repair arm of Inductotherm?
EMSCO and Inductotherm Corp. are separate companies in the Inductotherm Group. EMSCO is a reliable repair company that works on all induction melting equipment regardless of the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Inductotherm Corp. services, repairs and upgrades everything that we build, but only Inductotherm equipment. It is always beneficial to contact your OEM since they are often best equipped to provide you with the latest technological upgrades for your equipment.
Do you repair power leads?
It depends on the condition of the power leads. It may be less expensive to replace them. Note, however, that we offer a trade-in credit on used leads, regardless of condition.
Do I need return authorization to send something back for repair/credit?
It expedites the process if anything coming back has an RMR (Return Material Report) number attached to it. This tells our Receiving Dept. how to direct the part to achieve the fastest response possible. Please call our Inside Sales department so that we can arrange this for you.
What are other systems/devices/equipment that I would need/want in my foundry?
Charging equipment, scrap dryers and preheaters, computer control systems, water recirculating systems and ARMS (Automated Robotic Melt Shop) Systems to replace your operators on the melt deck with automated systems adapted to foundry operations are often installed in modern foundries.
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